Tuesday, June 11, 2013

June Birthdays - part 1

Four of the five of our birthdays are in june not to mention many close relatives. There are a couple of days of the week that have birthdays straight down the calendar. So the Jeremy's mom requested one day to celebrate them all which we obliged on June 1. We celebrated Jer's, Isaac's, Mike's, and mine. Here are some pics; we had a fun time playing and eating BBQ.


 juice box treat
 too bright

Yum Yum 

So the first was a Saturday, Sunday Jeremy and I snuck out to see the new Star Trek at the Imax in Bellevue. Fun stuff! Monday was Jeremy's actual birthday. We made his favorite dinner and opened presents. Jeremy told me a story once about getting in trouble for trading some of his best toys for Garbage Pail Kids collecting cards. He got in major trouble and had to return the cards and then give away the toys he had swapped them for as punishment. I thought is was so funny because we have all tried to get away with things like that in our childhood. When I saw a pack at target (apparently they are making them again) I just could not resist getting them. Jeremy thought that was pretty funny and looked through all of them. Trinity was not impressed with them. Here is a pic of the birthday boy.

Next up: Isaac turns 2
Mom and dad came over for Isaac's birthday and we had a very pleasant Friday evening pizza party with just the family. Isaac fought me for the cupcake but I wouldn't give it to him while the candles were still lit so Trinity had to blow them out for him. Pretty cute.

and here is a cute one of him playing with the toy Evelyn and Sophie sent. We love Pocoyo!

here are some more pictures of him playing with his pocoyo balloon and his bubble machine. He got some adorable clothes from his grandmas as well and some animal toys.

STAY TUNED: still to come my most AMAZING birthday dinner ever. . .

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