Friday, June 21, 2013

Children's Museum

Today was our first truly rainy day of summer break so I took the kids to the children's museum in factoria. Isaac hasn't been since he was a baby and he screamed when I dragged him from the water tables until he discovered the scarves. He impressed me by figuring out how to stuff it in himself and he did it for forty minutes straight. Trinity decided she was a little too big to really enjoy it anymore. Here are some random pics from our week and picture overload from the museum. Hope you enjoy!

 wildflowers on our walk. we found 10 different ones
 at a local park. too bad this tube didn't have caps to seal them in. lol
 Trinity divided the puffballs into families
 then she made a "protective" circle with big on the outside to little on the inside to protect the babies from the "bogey-man" 
 train table
 still a little unsure
 settling in for some fun
 that fish was not shy at all
 water tables! he was soaked even with the apron because he kept leaning over the sides. You can see his armpit sitting right on the edge.
 making music
 all smiles
yup. putting the whole arm into water 

 of shots.
 happy brothers playing the musical bench
 little drummer boy
 watching the scarves fly through the tubes
 I had to stop and make her put her hair out of her face to even get a pic of her
putting the scarf in himself

1 comment:

Lynne' said...

That is such a neat place!