Tuesday, November 2, 2010


okay, hopefully this isn't too late, I mean it IS two days post halloween. lol. Here are the few good shots I got of the kids. Mom and I took them around quail loop in newport, wa. Some of my old stomping grounds. We stopped at the Shavers' house and lee answered the door. You should have seen Trin's face when I explained that he was MY third grade teacher. lol. Good stuff. Trinity was a witch, which I hesitated on but gave in as it had been my favorite costume when I was her age. I said nothing yucky though so she wasn't green faced or warty or anything. Blake was her "helper bat". Shout out to Kerri Wissink for the AWESOMe bat wings we borrowed and to nee nee for the rocking sweatsuit. All in all a good night of trick-or treating, I was of course impressed with how trinity politely thanked every person that gave her candy and also a little amused by her "fake excited" laugh that she did every time she skipped down a driveway with more candy. what a ham. If you heard it you would know why there was much eye-rolling from the mother.


Sarah Benedict said...

So cute! I love seeing pictures of your "little" ones who are definitely NOT so little anymore! How are you feeling by the way? What do the kids think about the new baby coming?

Me said...

What cute little monsters! I think Trin looks great, and it's funny because I was just thinking about how I'll feel if T ever asks to be a witch. I think I'll let it go, too.

I second Sarah's questions! Want more baby dirt!!!

jeremy and lenore diviney said...

trinity is super excited, blake not so much. I don't think he wants to give up "baby" status. Starting to feel better. Nine weeks along. get to hear the heartbeat in a couple of weeks. yippee