Monday, November 22, 2010

First Snow

Tomorrow is trinity's first ever SNOW DAY from school. She is totally excited to stay home and play in the white stuff. Our neighbors are coming over for lunch, I am packing to leave for my moms, and I got a head start on getting christmas stuff out so tomorrow should be a great day! Here are a few pics of the kids playing with our friends kota and mie. I can't get over how much kota looked like one of santas elves. So mischevious and cute! Blake is subjected one more embaressing year to trinity's old pink snowpants. After an initial conversation (more like argument) about them being okay to wear he has been good to go. The first response was "those are NOT mine, those are sister's". well now they are yours buddy so get used to it. He should just be happy his new coat and boots aren't pink as well. It's not like I force him to wear all her hand-me-downs. In fairness, I did force trin to buy new black pants instead of pink so that when blake does grow into them, it's not such an issue. So. . .fair is fair right, but they do look like I put the wrong pants on them in this first picture. lol.

snow angel
love his expression
the christmas elf
isn't she adorable?
um, yes I can still see you. . .
getting chilly mom.

1 comment:

Me said...

Great shots! I love the pink vs black snow pant debate, too funny. They all look like they're having a blast, and of course they are! Snowdays ROCK!!! I'm over here getting all excited about it, but then again. . . snow? Already?!! I am SO not ready for this winter!