Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Beth Moore and Fall Shots

No, we did not go drinking after the beth moore conference. = ) we did however help granda rake the leaves and I managed to get some good shots of the kids so enjoy! the Beth Moore event was AWESOME. I can't believe God's never ending faithfulness to bless me in big ways for such small things. Who would have thought that when I was sixteen and memorized Ephesians chapter 4 on a missions trip because our leader asked us to that God would so faithfully bring it to the forefront time and time again in my life? It's really my life chapter. Wouldn't you know, that from the whole bible beth would choose ephesians 4 for the Spokane event? that is just a God thing and I'm going to shout it out! They had a huge jar of shells on the stage when we got there and when beth explained that there had been a prayer team praying for us for NINE MONTHS and that for each hour they prayed they put a shell in the jar I was completely blown away. Do you know how many hours it was? about 80 women prayed 100 hours for us. that makes 8,000 hours! wow. knocked my socks off. Praise God.
that's what you get when I'm around my sister.

she liked to sit on the stage or kneel fairly often
you go girl

(so sorry, the video ended up two posts up cause I couldn't figure out how to edit it into this post)
a little video to help you get a feel for it. this was from the ending worship set. I thought it was really interesting that they started us on well known songs like "your name" and then they just walked off the stage and let us finish it accapella. it was an interesting experience. we came as 5,500 and we left as ONE. ha ha (that was the theme: the sum total of every divine equation is ONE)

and now the fall shots:
this is the "cheese" expression I am afraid I will get from blake at family photos this weekend. . .
trinity playing "goalie" in front of "the mine". I mean how many grandparents do you know have a mine, a cave, and a waterfall???


Natalie Minnich said...

I can't believe you posted those hideous pics of me!!!!!!! Gah!!!!! I will NEVER forgive you!!!!

Me said...

Super cute shots, momma! Looks like a fun time was had by all of you!