Wednesday, November 17, 2010

christian music summit

Here is a video of our friend from this past weekend. yeah that's right, he just dropped tuned twice in a row and in perfect pitch. He's a wonder! I was raised on this guy, his voice is like a lullaby of everything familiar from my childhood. hee hee. Let's just say Natalie was drawing hearts around his face on the bulletin like a gradeschool crush. Mwahahahaha! Here is a pic from a different part of the day but it basically sums up her feelings about Mr. Phil.
The weekend was amazing. The songwriting end was eye-opening. Let's just say there will be some rewriting going on! It wasn't all bad feedback though and even if I experienced a litte bit of "tearing down" I had the DISTINCT impression it was so the Lord can build me back up again with a new perspective on my songs. What I loved about the the workshops was that they all encouraged you to make the most of the spheres of influence you are already in and that is really where nat's and my heart is at. Ministering to the body of Christ and meeting needs in the community through the gifts God has given us.
This has always been easy for me vocally but more challenging in my songwriting and I was grateful to have my sights expanded a little to the possibility of ministry my songs could have.
Here is natalie and sarah talking to an industry grunt about what is expected of a full time songwriter in the real world. lol. 12-14 songs a year seems to be the standard but if you co-write it only counts as half a song so that would break down to 24 co writes and up in numbers as writers increase.
I learned the pros and cons of working with publisher vs. independantly handling your music. All good stuff but as I said I was more inpsired by the vision the keynote addresses gave me as to the future of my ministry in the imeadiate world around me. Tom Jackson's workshops were the best and funniest; probably the highlight of the weekend after the amazing sermons and concerts. Isreal Houghton and his band seriously grooved Friday Night. Loved him live. Okay, the rest is going to be pictures of our friend Phil. . .because He rocks my world. One of the most humble performers I have ever come across.
oops, I lied. Quick shout out to Flying Saucer Pizza. AMAZING! GO EAT THERE!
the gang: natalie, sarah, the back of Jolene (whoops), and darren.


Natalie Minnich said...

Whoa! Julia Roberts was there?!!!

Me said...

Sounds like you really learned a lot and had a good time!