Monday, April 30, 2012

If any among you is sick. . .

so, so, sick. . . .
So this year has started off with a real bang health wise for me. Two ear infections already along with miserable colds and now my first bought of influenza in years. Super high fever off and on for six days. Isaac kicked it off with a 102 temp. on tuesday night. That night while I nursed him I thought to myself  "gosh I'm chilly". . .thus it began. The days weren't quite so bad as long as I was pumped full of ibuprofen but by the evening I would hit the wall and my temp would jump back up to high 101 and into 102. Two points stand out in particular: one afternoon as I waited for Jeremy to get home early from work I sweat out a fairly high temp while carrying an inconsolable infant for approx. 1 hr. (I mean the sweat was RUNNING down my back, so gross) and then we have the saturday night "meltdown" as I have dubbed it. My fever shot super close to 103 and my breathing got all funky and I was on the verge of a complete freak out that something was majorly wrong. The kids were all in bed and we considered all options including asking a neighbor to watch the kids so Jer could take me to urgent care but in the end I opted for deep breathing, 4 Ibuprofen at once, and the end of Jerry Maguire which as stupid as it sounds helped me get my good cry out that I had been feeling like I needed since oh, well, my third day of fever. It was just hard to get the tears to come since my eyeballs were on fire. Sunday showed miniscule but measurable improvement, however I still had a fever off and on so it was decided Jeremy would stay home today because I was in a panic at the thought of having the kids all day myself. I just had no energy back yet. Went to the doctor today announcing at my appointment "this is dumb because I think I'm getting better" but lo and behold I still had a low grade fever when he took my temp. After listening to my lungs and heart he declared me still living and pneumonia/bronchitis free. He could not however rule out a kick-ass strain of influenza, possibly even a comeback of the swine flu. oink. Well whatever it is I prayed several times that it be taken away. Blah, didn't happen. I even considered calling some elders to bring some oil and pray. Ha! probably should have. In a few days I have no doubt I will finally be myself again but boy I do find myself returning through situations like this to my whole answered prayer issues again. Ah well, the promise is a heaven without pain and sickness and that's good enough for me! It's all my "save me from this!" prayers answered right? Of course right. Thank You God. Thank you that I am alive. Thank you that I am getting better 7 days after this began. Thank you that you have protected my children from getting it as bad as me. (yes, poor blake has it too and trinity is next I think but neither his case nor Isaac's were anywhere close to as bad as mine) Thank you God, that Your word came to mind in my sickness, reminding me of Your promises. Thank you that so many people prayed for me. Thank you for an amazeballs husband that rocked above and beyond his duties for five days straight. Help him to keep it up. Please. Amen.

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