Saturday, October 22, 2011

My Big Boy

Isaac is four and half months now and he rolls all over the floor both ways! I have to take a close look at the floor now to make sure there is nothing he can put in his mouth laying around. Also, I think he is teething already. He has been very fussy at night, waking up many times but not wanting to nurse, just wanting to chew. I am turning into a bit of a zombie, running on my one cup of tea/coffee a day fairly well but not at full steam. Neither trinity nor blake showed sign of teething so early but every child is different so.. .I gave up on my ban on solids till 6 mo and began feeding him rice cereal at night. He loves it but is still lousy at eating it and it doesn't seem to affect how well he sleeps at all. darn. In the meantime I am dealing with always new and challenging behaviors in the older two while simultaneously enjoying some truly sweet moments between them. I can't wait till isaac is big enough to be thrown into the mix. Or maybe I can. Ruminating on all of this while drinking my cup of morning tea and watching Gardening with Ciscoe (that nutty, barely coherent seattle-lite) on a rainy saturday morning. Eegads, I have officially turned into my parents (except they would have black coffee).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He IS getting big! And absolutley adorable! Both my girls started teething right around 3 months of age, so. . . *sigh* Good luck with that! I so can't wait until we're DONE with it again over here!