Saturday, July 23, 2011

No Way

My little girl is turning 7 tomorrow! Since summer is a hard time to get friends together (everyone is traveling, etc) we decided to do her party thursday, when two out of three friends could come. (we missed you Brooke). Anwyay, so I had my 6 wk post partum check-up early in the afternoon so baby I., trinity, and myself went to that while Blake was dropped off at daddy's office and the two of them went and got the presents. On the way home I stopped and picked up the two party girls. They were having SUCH a blast in the car that I decided I was very glad I had kept it small and that I had planned to take them somewhere for entertainment rather than furnishing it myself. Normally I am the queen of cool but it had already been a long day. Of course it was nothing a frozen mocha (also on the way home) couldn't handle. SHOuT OUt to Mercury Coffee company in Fall City, it's my new FAVORITE drive through. ---as a total aside I finished my year of no coffee purchases on July 17th and have been on a bit of a binge ---
soo. . . . .we get the girlies home and jer/blake arrive at the same time. We do the cupcake pinata (trinity's first ever on her own birthday) and head to KidzBounce for an hour of open play time. It went right down to the last ribbon on the cupcake pinata and they bounced right down to the last minute at the play place. I'd say pretty successful use of short party time! Then we went to pizza at Round Table (thanks Donathons for joining!) and took our little charges home. oh by the way did I mention we got Trinity a DS???? She has wanted one for a year and a half. Normally I wouldn't spend that kind of money (especially on the year we bought a house and had a baby) but we recieved some extra gift cards from the partners in jeremy's company for Toys R us/Babies R us and needing no big ticket items well you know. . .we decided of course to COMPLETELY spoil her because well, she is SEVEN after all. (and mommy has two road trips to make this summer which will be MUCH quieter now, mwahahahaha). of course my camera died as she was unwrapping it. LAME. Trinity declared it "the best day ever" and mommy and daddy agreed. We are so proud of her and see such great things in her. Happy Birthday darling!
 best buds
 pinata action
 on the way to bounce
 ready, set, go!
 blake's first time here
 the helper only makes amie bounce higher! =)
 good shot mckenzie!
 who let the cute boys in?
 peek a boo
 squish through!
 contemplating her next move
 up, up, up
 and away!
 me convincing blake the big ones aren't scary
 blake contemplating his odds after I threw him on the big one
 no time for play with this one, he's always thinking!
 presents and pizza, does it get better?
 new rule: abbey must stop growing!
 you wrote this? for me?
 how sweet!
this is where the DS pictures would have been. . .sigh. let's just say HAPPY FACE was in the house!

1 comment:

Natalie Minnich said...

Wish I could have added a few more blondies to the fun!!! Give Trinity a big hug and smoochy kiss for us!
Auntie Natalie