Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday Morning at Home

We all caught a small cold over the weekend so we are taking a low profile this morning. Trinity has had it since thursday but yesterday I got the sore throat and congestion and today it is the same if not a little worse after a tossy-turny night. I was in labor in my dreams most of the night which really has a powerful effect on your psyche. I find myself tired today and I wouldn't call it cranky but a little off for sure. Blah is a good word for it. Blake came downstairs saying his "neck" hurt. =) He then began crying and said I kissed him too much. (ha ha, that's what I get for telling trinity it is probably our good night kisses that got me sick when little ears are in the bottom bunk listening to every word). They are acting pretty perky though so I might give them a bath and when Jeremy gets up send them off somewhere to give me some time to rest. Trinity has been bugging already to see Kung Fu Panda 2. I was going to make them wait until after the baby, in case there was an afternoon I needed everyone out of the house but perhaps it doesn't matter so much. *sneeze
some things I would like to be doing on a quiet sunday morning:
I had a vanilla latte yesterday thanks to Jeremy, and I think the lady forgot to give me the skim milk and no foam I asked for. . .that being said it was incredibly yummy so I have no regrets. However, that is why I don't make lattes at home. I thought this pregnancy might produce my little bean baby (as in under 8 1/2 lbs.) but as each day goes by and I continue to stuff my face I laugh at myself because I am pretty sure I will end up in the same ballpark as the previous two. . .but ah I would take another of those lattes in a heartbeat this morning.
I also would like to devote some time to reading my actual bible instead of all the books that talk about the bible or are topical in nature even though spiritual in content. There is no substitute for the written Word of God. It just seems like I always reach for the closest book or the kids are demanding too much attention to really be able to focus in. This will need some work but there has been a lot of change around here lately so there is always hope.
last but not least there is nothing I would like better than to sit at my piano and worship. It changes my heart, my priorities, and very often my bad moods. I am so thankful for this outlet that draws me closer to my creator. I have been itching to try writing some more music but for now would be enough to have a few stolen moments at the keys that did not involve supermariobrothers music in the background. . .

1 comment:

Natalie Minnich said...

I cannot stand mario bro music! There has got to be a you tube video of every instrument known to man and what can they all apparently play??? Mario Bro!!!