Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentines, Short Stories, and Folgers Jingles

Happy Valentines Day!

I love God. I love my parents and my siblings. I love my husband. I love my children. I love my unborn son. I love Jesus and I am not ashamed! I just had to say that. I'm not the most dynamic person at verbally expressing my affection and I forget that people need to reminded of how much I love them. Yesterday was a good day to do that but today is too; and every day. I am wearing a heart pin blake made me at sunday school. I am happy.

We had no valentines plans and I have learned as a lover of giving gifts not to necessarily expect the same in return. This has been a valuable lesson for my marriage. So instead I decided on a somewhat mutual love language for us, quality time. It was 9:45 in the morning (valentines day) so I went to wake my husband up for work (yes he keeps strange hours). I was starting to feel a little mopey that our 9th valentines would be so blah so I tried a last minute plan and it worked! I cajoled jeremy into getting up and ready quick and with blake in tow we headed to a local coffee shop that jer had never been to. It was great to just sit with my boys and enjoy a cupa joe. I guess you would call me easily pleased and Jeremy commented that "all it takes is a coffee" but that's not so. I was happiest that we were hanging out together. I even got to put my hand on his leg (still makes me feel flirty). Yes, it was doing what I like to do but we all know most boys get what they like to do on valentines too so I thought it fair play. I wouldn't mind if we did more timeouts like that, in fact I aim to move it up on my list of to-dos. I really do think Valentines is my favorite holiday besides christmas

on a shorter note, I have been reading a compilation of short stories. They are such a different breed from novels. Packed with energy and emotion in such a short space. Everything has to be said immediately and even more than that is left unsaid. I find myself mulling them over and wondering about all of the what if's after only a glimpse of the full tale. I must say I enjoy them but why are so many melonchaly? Someone explain this please.

on the shortest note, stay tuned as my sister attempts to win the folgers jingle contest and a trip to new york to record a commercial. Go nat!!! (no the pic is not her but it WILL be) did I mention they are finishing a home recording studio? yeah baby.


Me said...

It's always the little things, isn't it? Even a 20 minute time out of the daily grind for a cup of coffee can make a world of difference! I'm glad you had a good V-day, and good luck to your sister!

Natalie Minnich said...

nice post. an you said my jingle was too sappy. It's OBVIOUSLY right up your alley! I'll let y'all know when you can start voting :)