Saturday, February 26, 2011


I am sitting here wondering why I have been so lazy about any sort of journaling activites for this baby. It's not like I don't have the time because I type pretty fast so how hard can it be to lay down a few paragraphs about (once again) going through the incredible experience of pregnancy? Maybe I'm just lazy. I'm twenty-six weeks now, that is hard enough to believe in itself. This time around is going quickly! I am a little daunted at the thought of my schedule toward the end of the pregnancy (possible move to new neighborhood, church being farther away, lining up new school for trinity, etc.) so I am choosing to somewhat live in denial that I will get enormous, uncomfotable, tired, and grouchy pretty soon here. He who is to be named eventually has been a very active child in the womb which I have a love/hate relationship with. I love the bonding that occurs knowing everything is all right and he is growing and wiggling but I will say the third time around that some of those punches downright annoy me! I also seem to be in denial that my body may never recover from a third. lol. I have even gone so far as to purchase an expensive pair of shorts that MUST fit for my beach vacation in August (two months after baby). It can happen right? I definately plan to beach comb in my beachcomber shorts from CAbi. Ha Haa. Anyway, back to baby. He should be nine-ish inches long and about two pounds right now. I find myself wondering if this one will have blue or brown eyes, etc. I must admit I'm not even sure what I want. Trinity's eye color is just so incredible but I think some darker hair might be in order. Blake the traitor has gotten lighter each year and is now approaching what some would call blonde. grr. for reference allow me to add an older picture when he was about 7 mo. look how much darker!
If I am going to post a pic of blake of course have to post an oldie of trin. here she is at the age of irresistableness. (is that a word?)
I feel like it's a little overwhelming to think of daipers and breastfeeding just yet, so I am going to keep focusing on the pregnancy progress instead of once he gets here. Being in the third trimester I am beginning to look forward to the birth part, and shows like baby story are catching my attention more and more. They are as good as a birth class right? I mean, I've been down this road before right? All I need to know about delivering I learned from baby story. . .? Ah well so anyway, I rub my belly a lot this time around. Constant touch keeps me grounded and excited about eventually getting to hold this little guy. I am grateful that this year has been all about trusting the Lord to provide for us. I feel fortunate to still have the essentials from blake and trinity but still look forward buying something here and there in preparation. His brother and sister will be ready too! Blake does yoga with me and follows my position around so that he can stay in contact with my belly. He talks to the baby and pats him and kisses him totally randomly, it is so adorable. Here is to hoping that our soon to be party of five is the perfect party for us.


Natalie Minnich said...

oh my gosh!!! Those picture were just ridiculous. Could they be any more adorable? and by the way, I would be glad to wear your Cabi shorts for you on our vacay ;)

jeremy and lenore diviney said...

I bet you would! I know the pics drive me crazy. how do they get so big so fast?

Me said...

AWW! SO Cute! I remember when Blake was so tiny, and Trin is definitely irresistible(she still is!)I can't wait to 'meet' number three. How exciting!