Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Penguin Classics shoot me now.

Some of you may remember my mention in this post:
that I was considering attempting to read (in my hopefully long life) the entire collection of Penguin Classics, which number over 2,000. Well I printed the entire list of books the other night (about 28 pages) and was able to cross off 58. I don't know if that is bad or good for the average reader but let me tell you something, that list is DAUNTING. There are MAJOR works of philosophy, history, and over 100 "collected" books of poetry. That's not just one novel, or one poem, but COMPLETE WORKS. Always the fool, I figured I might still go for it. What can it hurt but that I keep one in rotation at all times? There will still be other books I want to read as well as the constant bible studies I take part in and would never give up. I would never feel qualified to write reviews on all these books so don't worry they won't be taking over the blog. I started thinking about making my own blog about the saga and earning something on the side maybe, or even writing Penguin publishing and asking if they would "give" me the entire collection for like a "Guinness Book of Records" sort of thing. That would be Uh-Mazing! I think however, that as a busy wife and mother I am just going to stick to the task quietly and effectively. I have already hit the problem in my rules I came up with that I would avoid buying something; one of the first five titles I searched was not available at my library but was on Amazon. Going to try to find other free ways to source those harder to find titles.

1 comment:

The Kovalls said...

That's amazing! Good luck!