Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Another Day in Motherhood

Yesterday I took the boys to get their hair cut for Easter. Isaac of course was on his second sucker when we left (he gets one WHILE his hair is getting cut so he sits still and heaven forbid he not get one when big brother does as we leave). I head over to a florist shop to get Trinity white carnations for her science project. You all know the one where food coloring gets up in the flower and changes it's color which proves that water goes through the entire plant? That one. The florist laughed and said her daughter did that in grade school and she is now in college. We chatted about how many kids I had (just three people) and how busy it kept me, yadda yadda. I head back to the van and Isaac fusses as I try to get him in his car seat. I notice his sucker is gone so I feel all around the back of him and under him in case he dropped it in the car seat before I placed him in it. No luck, so I just buckle him hoping that a half eaten sucker is not sitting on the nice florist's shop floor. We head to Target to knock out some more errands when I run into an old neighbor. I notice she has the same REI raincoat that Jer bought me. I see it everywhere now and get compliments all the time when I wear it. So funny. Of course I don't have my nice coat on but a hoodie. Ah well, you can't live life worrying about what people think of you. We say our hello and the boys and I move on. A few minutes later going down the storage aisle Blake exclaims "Mom, Isaac's sucker is stuck to your hood!". Oh, so that's where it went. Great. So what do I do? Have Blake peel it off, take a quick look at the fuzz amount stuck to it, and decide that it should get my fussy little guy through the store quite nicely. I give it to Isaac who promptly finishes it as I finish my errands. It's how I roll people, don't judge. If any of you ever walks past me and I notice a sucker on your back I promise not to laugh hysterically but to remove it and carry on as if nothing had happened. That's my mommies-have-enough-to-feel-bad/lame/awkward-about promise.

Stay tuned for my next adventure in motherhood wherein later that night I'm not entirely sure who acts more immaturely, my moody eight year old daughter or my husband. (let's just say they had different ideas about how to accomplish a science experiment- the eight year old won and the 35 year old MAY have pouted about it)

Last but not least your reality check for the day courtesy of PINTEREST. I may have been obsessing over a floor lamp I pinned. I found the shop selling it but they didn't have prices so I emailed. They are in Canada she replies, but the lamp is made and sold in Soho to the tune of $3,500. She hated to "lose a sale"but it might be better to order direct from them. Don't worry honey you aren't losing a sale just killing a dream. Lesson learned that any store without pricing probably expects their customers to not give a hoot what it costs. Also, the only chandelier I bothered pricing? $6,500. End of story.

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