Saturday, September 17, 2011

Feelin the Love

I gotta say. It has been impressed upon me lately than many people are not as lucky as I. How you ask? let me tell you. I have a wonderful family. My immediate family has always been there for me. A solid unit with strong bonds of love. Has it always been like this? Yes and no. My parents argued a lot when I was young. I think most kids' do. (I hope my family doesn't mind this being a bit of a tell-all, ooo phone calls might be coming soon lol) It worried me sometimes but "divorce" was never in my thoughts. We often fought with our brother. Two against one (my twin and I) usually made it easy to get him in trouble but payback was a - Big Brother's Best Friend. There were times I hero worshipped him and times where he wouldn't give me the time of day and I felt the most disconnected ever. This was greatly remedied the minute he was married (we all have our speculations on why that might be). My mother and I had particular strife during my wedding planning. (har har, and NO I was NOT a bridezilla)
When I was around sixteen it was announced that we had a half brother who wanted to get to know us. Okay. . .minor freak out but all is well that ends well and well, we couldn't ask for a better brother or family to join ours (shout out to the Hornbeeks!).  As an adult with my own family, I feel closer than ever to my parents and siblings. I cherish time with them in any capacity. My sister and I talk 5 times a day on the phone and my mother telepathically knows when we are calling each other and tends to call at the same time. I get mushy gushy thinking about holidays and a stolen summer week here and there with them. My mother and sister in particular are sounding boards for my walk with Christ and my parenting goals/fear/failures/successes. I know my mom and dad would do anything for me (and often have). This is not to rub it in to those people who do not share a similar story. The amazing thing is that God has a purpose for each situation and there are those with great testimony because of their family. My husbands' family's story is not such a happy one. I spare the details because we all have dysfunction somewhere in our family, if not immediate then extended so I think we all can relate. Insert your family history/issues here. lol.  I am taking this moment to be truly grateful for the family I have. It is a gift from God that heaven forbid I ever take for granted. To those of you with different background thinking I can't begin to understand how blessed I am, you are right. I don't know if I can ever appreciate it enough. I'm just feeling the love. It feels good.
(pic of my crazy family last Christmas - California family, miss you bro! coming to see you in October wahoo!)

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