Sunday, March 20, 2011

Trinity rides her Bike!

After all attempts to ride her big girl bike failed last summer, I was a little hesitant to get her bike out of the old garage yesterday and give it another go. However, she has been learning better balance on the scooter she got at christmas and between that and being a little taller I thought we should give it a try. . .and was have. . . .SUCCESS! Being pregnant it was hard for me to bend over besider her and hold the back of her seat to steady her so instead I just tucked my hand in her left armpit to help her balance. It made it much easier to let go when she seemed on an even keel. As you can tell by the pictures I am adding below, she was just a LITTLE excited and proud. She declared bike riding her new favorite thing which means I will be outside alot this summer with a baby strapped to my front so I can watch all her magnificent progress.

 sitting pretty
 using the curb for take-off
 always eating the chin strap
gap toothed concqueror!


Natalie Minnich said...

I just have to point out that one of the links on you tube after your video was of Trinity on the black buggati in the matrix. a ha! ahhhahahhahahhahha! A little different riding style!

Me said...

THAT is AWESOME! She's knocking down all the 'big girl' milestones one after the other - lost tooth *check* two-wheeler *check* What fun times over there!

jeremy and lenore diviney said...

yep, we are having some seriously fun times. that is the plan until I geta little distracted with a newborn. =)