Saturday, October 2, 2010

science center

Today we took the kids to the Seattle Science Center for the first time. They seemed to have fun but really mostly wanted to play with the water cannons. It was great to hang out with my bff Laura and her boy Eric. He's a SCIENTIST (echo echo echo). Jeremy has a man crush, hah ha. Anyway, they are starting a new program where scientists give mock-up demonstrations of their actual experiments and we get to pepper them with questions, or if it's more fun, heckle them. hee hee. Nah, I didn't heckle him. =) I forgot to take pictures of his demonstration though. lame. Blake was a little nervous in the dinosouar section but they LOVED anything to do with water. They also particularly liked the bee hive that had glass walls. you could see the bees coming and going from the outside through a wide plastic tube. Last but not least trinity's favorite was probably this giant square hung from chains. you pay two bucks for a large sheet of paper and markers and you get to push it around and make cool designs like a giant spirograph or whatever those toys are called. Lest you think it the perfect outing it was by this time that Jeremy was in full swing allergy attack (as usual whenever we try something fun on the weekend) and trinity went bersek when my "helping" her swing it wide to make a big circle ended with the paper getting caught above the pen and smashing up. Ugh. As I pulled it off and straightened it back out she screamed at me that I had ruined it and put on about as big a fit as a six year old can. Can you say embarressing? this was followed by our attempt to leave during blake's major no-nap meltdown when we wouldn't let him carry the giant paper to the car on this blustery day but instead "rolled" it up to keep it safe. He assumed that meant folding it and ruining it and proceeded to scream and cry and fight us halfway to the car where Jeremy finally picked him up and forced him to chill. Thank heaven sanity was restored when he fell asleep two minutes into the car ride home. So here are some pics.
 trinity was actually a good shot
 they both have their eyes closed. lol
 more fun with water (see blake in background)
 cool amphibion
 trinity weighs 1,000 lbs on the sun. . .
 cool planet thingy
 the bee hive
 mommy the only one brave enough to hold the hissing cockroach
the space needle


Daniel and Natalie said...

dude. if your captions got any more scientific my brain might explode! That "cool amphibian" is some kind of water dragon. Its like a huge salamander and some of them get as big as crocs!

jeremy and lenore diviney said...

big as crocs? that's not cool, and for your info "some kind of water dragon" doesn't sound very scientific either!

Daniel and Natalie said...

well I think its just "Japanese water dragaon" but I wasn't sure. I hate to sound stuffy or know it all...

jeremy and lenore diviney said...

I think you're crazy. looked japanese water dragon up and got nothing.

Me said...

Dude. I think I'd mostly want to play with the water cannons, too! Looks like an awesome time!