Sunday, October 6, 2019

Summer 2019

I'm posting to catch up so it has to be brief. In early spring I began to experience back pain above any of my previous injuries. It got so bad that I was on the couch at night basically sleeping about two hours a night and just moving my leg constantly to relieve the SI pain. Just the inescapable pain pushed me to make the choice for surgery. I had the procedure in early august and it was absolutely amazing. The leg involvement was instantly gone. I was able to recover and get back into the swing of homeschooling with almost no inconvenience. It took a few weeks to get to some normal sleep patterns again. I'm at seven or eight weeks post op now and am walking and doing basic core exercises to begin my journey back to full strength. Trinity received NF tickets for her birthday and we JUST went to the concert last night. She loved the experience after she got used to the 10 high stacked speakers that were very close and vibrated our entire skeleton with each beat. I can't believe I have a fifteen year old.

 fourth of July

I knew I would need some recovery time fun so I ordered a DVD set of my favorite classic films starring Jeanette McDonald and Nelson Eddy.
 MRI of the problem disc 

So so so fun to have BOTH my sister and her kids and my friend Hannah and her girls for Trin's bday before my surgery.

this one came downstairs with an Elvis style popped collar. Too cute. Again I'm sure SO MUCH MORE happened in July (attending a second CC practicum to receive training for Challenge B etc) but I was just doing a bare minimum. On to August.

Loosing teeth at Chic- filet. And this was the first of four lost in the same month (and finally the front!). 

 We were blessed to find two bins of legos for free on the sidewalk in our neighborhood. The boys played a lot with them those last few weeks.

 I was so happy to finally get my Nana's coloring pages framed and up on the wall. I've had them since she passed in January.
 one quick trip to the arcade with the Diviney cousins before school starts
 So it begins  . . . school year for momma 2019
 Two more down one I didn't gt a picture of. Three total here.
 I get such nice and ever changing clouds over the valley
 The church summer baptisms were so great this year. My dear friend Rebekah's children all got baptized.

DAY ONE - CC 2019 
Trinity, Challenge B - Blake, Challenge A, Isaac, Foundations

 In Sept. my Mom and Dad brought my Uncle and Aunt over to see the Eastside. We avoided the city and instead admired the miles and miles of bike trails locally. My uncle is an avid cyclist and was obsessed with the area lol. So glad they came over.

 We managed to get to the fair although I don't know why I didn't take any pictures. I took one of this part felted part embroidered piece of art I particularly liked.  
 Isaac's first piano lesson. I die of cuteness because he would stim happily everytime he was pleased with himself. The family decided to redeem the last light of summer with a quick trip to Seabrook. Isaac hadn't been to the beach at an age he could remember and when we ventured on the beach as a thunderstorm came in and the wind and rain was whipping at us he exclaimed "I very much regret being excited about this!". Ha Ha~

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