Saturday, July 6, 2019

Spring 2019

Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time. Oswald Chambers

I had to look back at January's post to see what a good place to start would be. Grandma Miller did pass away a month to the day if I'm not mistaken after my Nana. Again, all things went relatively smoothly and my dad was able to take care of everything that needed to be done. I know he would have liked to have been there but we are forever grateful to my aged Aunt and Uncle for bringing her into their home her final month. Unfortunately my uncle and my cousin also unexpectedly passed away not long after so it has been a spring of loss for both sides of the family. Spring and loss don't feel like they should go together but we don't really get a say in the matter.

 some games for the new year

These CC science fair pics and the random ones before them are from the end of January into mid-February. Snowpacolypse was quite the event and undoubtedly the beginning of my current lower back woes. I distinctly remember that my back felt "out" as I trudged out to help three different neighbors "unpack" their cars from the snow. This involved shoveling out tires and rocking cars back and forth until they got out of the grooves they were stuck in. This was the point I should have been more careful and started PT but being a busy mom handling some family dynamics that couldn't be back-burner-ed I ignored it and it gradually declined into the hot mess of bulging discs I'm now dealing with this July. Nevertheless the snow was impressive and a highlight for the kids' winter experience for sure. We lost two fence panels to the wind and weight of the wet snow.

 We couldn't get out for about four days until they brought the big guns in. Large loaders and dozers that helped pave the streets out. We all cheered when the heavy machinery pulled in. We never lost power though, which is awesome. Some people closer to the pass were out of power for two weeks or more. We've never had snow quite like it, Jeremy was pretty giddy. with each new measurement.

 Valentines day passed with simple boxes of chocolates and cards. Jeremy took me out in March overnight and we had dinner at El Gaucho in Bellevue. Probably some of the best steak I've ever eaten and a great mixed drink. Even one night away is such needed time for us as we have always pretty much failed at regular date nights of any kind and months can go by without us spending time together just Jeremy and I.
 Having nails done makes me feel like my life is more together lol. I have never done them regularly but I should probably consider it. Such a silly seeming thing but a legitimate mood booster for me.
I was so excited about this big boggle but so far it's not really more helpful than the usual size. We should give it another try soon.
 trying to find a layout I like to hang these plates. I think this will work! (p.s. It's July and the paper templates are still up on the wall but not the plates lol.)
 This cowhide rocking chair came from Nana. I love having a few pieces of her style around. I also received a bell and rose from her collection.
 This is my Grandma Miller and one of her nieces. How cute is she??  I will miss her but so grateful for the legacy of faith she left us. 
 Thought you might want to see some of our process at CC. This is using the five common topic of circumstance. We start with a character or choice made in our story and go out from there in ever widening spheres of events at the same time. 
 Nana always signed her cards this way and I've thought about what a perfect tattoo the hugs and kisses would make.
 Isaac picks the funniest ways to love on the doggies. This is the armpit snuggle.
 We had the pleasure of doing ABA for almost two years with Gloris Jones. She is a wonderful therapist and person. While we have discontinued ABA for now Isaac has grown by leaps and bounds and continues to delight and amuse us with his quirky nature. School will be interesting this year as we up the expectations for all three kids in workload and attitude towards it. I would say it is the biggest struggle of our homeschool journey to find the balance of expectation and implementation with grace and joy. Here we are doing dirty pours, our favorite craft this spring. 

 One of my dirty pours on display
 So when the fence blew over in the wind there were several pieces that also broke two fences over so altogether there were three neighbor dogs able to be in our yard at any given time lol. That got old but we had the fence repaired early May. I think this one is Gizmo.

 More glimpses into CC with clash day and pretzel skeletons

 These last six are from an aquarium field trip that my friends were kind enough to take the boys on since Trin and I had other commitments. Blake got one of those energy things that look like lightning and was playing with it in bed later that day. This brings us to about mid-March.
 I set up a study area in my room with wonderful intentions to have morning devotions here. So far best intentions are about as far as I've gotten. Le sigh.
 Flynn Rider needed a little help with his shed but has since shed completely again in once piece, he is such a stud. The best snake ever if I do say so myself. Trinity is attending another Reptile Expo this weekend but I told her no more snakes yet. 

 Some more CC stuff illustrating how creative the kids can be when given a loose set of instructions and set free. All of their latin vocab drawings were very different! Also when the sun is out, we go out. Nothing like world maps all over my van.

 neurotransmitters with candy
Reconnecting with old friends so good for the soul.

Moving into April Mom and Nat came to visit on our spring break. We showed them a new favorite spot by the river at the bottom of the falls and hung out with Rebekah for an afternoon. More family game time and some spring flowers in the yard.

 This is Trinity at the culmination of Challenge B - Mock Trial! While the spring semester was VERY pared down and capacity for academics was at a minimum she put the work in for this strand and experienced great success with her team. She loved the experience although I know not all on her team did. 

 Time for a new look! (we've since dyed it blue as well)
 Mom's going to get a new light. =)

 favorite spot at the River. My river sprite.
Isaac had his FIRST baseball season and he loved it. We practiced a lot. It t ook a while to teach the lefty to catch. I kept being very careful about lobbing it to him but eventually he just said THROW IT so I did and of course it bounced off his head. #eyeroll He actually has a pretty good arm and bats well. I foresee more baseball next year. And more pictures coming up here in a minute.
 A beautiful spring day.

 Some awesome CC students at our End of Year Celebration. Blake was Mozart in case you can't tell. The weirdest thing is we rented that vest and it's totally made from the same fabric I had once covered pillows in early in my marriage. I was pondering if it was possible that my pillows I'd gifted to goodwill had been upcycled into the clearly handmade vest. Wouldn't that be a crazy coincidence? 

 Isaac and his class presentation
 My challenge A final day. It was definitely a slog to the end of the year. There were multiple hardships hitting our community including another death of a young father. Tragic but so powerful as we all grieved and processed together and still ended with a really beautiful celebration. 

My new light fixture. And now we enter MAY
 this is a massive "whiteboard" that is black glass that Jeremy bought for our schoolroom. Mom and Dad popped over around mothers day and helped us get it up. It was basically a three person job!

 go yellow jackets!

 Just a morning of study and play at the library. Also somewhere in here was our 16th anniversary.
 Just another picture of how varied the light can be in the back.

Blake got to be cameraman this year at Biztown. He liked it a lot better than his last job as teller, although he enjoyed that too. So grateful to the moms that make biztown happen each year. And with that busy month of Biztown prep we move right into June and a week in Chelan. We had a great time however my back did not allow me much rest or play. The kids and Jeremy made the most of it though at the Slide Park. I was impressed with how many slides Isaac tried, including one fast raft one he labeled a "nightmare" lol. I got started on some reading lists that had been amassing on my bookshelves so I guess being an invalid is good for that! Count your blessings!

 Enter the blue hair and the hungry duckies
Jeremy got to golf and we took the cousins to the slide park so grandma could have the day off and then Jer and I got to go out to dinner and it was probably one of the best mexican meals we've had. Can't wait to go back. More of Jeremy's family joined us for his birthday and Trin and Blake were in cousin heaven for a few days. The same day we came back Isaac went to his last game and Trinity received her silver award from her girl scout leader. This is a great Jr. High accomplishment. We will decide later if she will do the Gold award for high school.

A vacation souvenir. 

 Next it was Isaac's turn for a bday. Happy 8th! 

Because he and Blake were sharing a new video game that wasn't quite out yet he really only had a couple simple presents and I was so pleased that he seemed genuinely happy with the boardgame and a few books (we didn't tell him about the video game until Blake's birthday)
 Wrappin up the season as First Pitch King! 

When we got back the next week I had practicum. Despite my pain I made it through three days of training other Challenge A level parents and I just LOVE it. I never thought I would have such a passion for a classical home education.
Trudy asked to take Blake with her to the east side and I knew that practicum would be tough so I asked her if she could take all three kids over and she graciously did. It had been my plan to drive to moms at the end of that week but became clear that I would not tolerate a long road trip so I was ELATED that the kids still got a week at my mom and dads. They even got D&D in as well as mini-golf and other fun cousin time. Leave it to my mom and dad to find the new summer hit activity - throwing hatchets! Isaac was hooked. I'm SO thankful for that week of downtown in the midst of my busy schedule and hurting. Not having extra food and laundry and the usual mom chores made all the difference. Then my mom drove them back and stayed for a few days just to help out more. Next was Blake's bday. Happy 12!

And that's a wrap on spring! Family came and went, winter came and went, my mobility just plain went, and we carry on. Pain specialist Monday, Spine specialist the 18th, another practicum next week, the summer doesn't slow down.

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