Monday, January 21, 2013

Nature Walk

Our pet rabbit Nibbles went on a nature walk today. Somehow he stayed in the back yard. I came out of the house about 3:30 to get him fresh water and I spied a rabbit in the corner of my flower bed at the end of the yard! "wow" I thought, "Nibbles has a friend". It dawned on me almost simultaneously that it was not a wild rabbit at all but MY rabbit. I crept up to him talking soothingly and THANK HEAVENS he let me pick him right up and didn't make a run for it. I think he might have been a little scared and was glad to see me. I have no idea how he got out (I cared for him last so it must have been my bad) or how long he had been free but all is well that ends well I suppose! We really do love our bunny so very happy it was an easy rescue and that the two new neighbor cats that moved in over Christmas didn't find him.

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