Friday, January 6, 2012

Sick Mommy

Now I understand why you have to give them your license and they keep the sudafed behind the counter at the pharmacy. I mean, it's not like I ever plan to make meth but I'll tell you what, the sudafed alone does it for me! I went to urgent care yesterday because I have been sick for almost a week with no improvement and I felt an ear infection coming on. The doctor confirmed I was on my way to one unless I used Ocean nasal spray every half-hour and took sudafed religiously for the next two days. So I got some on my way home and boy was I wired the WHOLE day. I cleaned the house up and down and even went outside and put christmas boxes away in the garage and swept it out, etc. I then took the kids to gymnastics and back for bath-time and dinner. It was like I was on speed or something, I couldn't sit still the whole day. The only problem with that is I couldn't keep a thought it my head (forgot to call and cancel the doctor appt. I had today so had to call and leave PATHETIC message begging them not to charge me since now I have to pay urgent care visit as well) and I crashed pretty hard last night with more congestion, throat pain from the drainage, and sinus pressure. I always lose my voice with the slightest nasal drainage so I hope that it helps my case on the phone message. ha ha. Being sick and being a mommy is hard. I was really proud of myself the first few days of my cold because I was doing pre-school with blake and keeping up with errands, etc. but now by day 6 I am down to just trying to manage laundry and keep baby entertained. Blake has had cart blanche with the video games today and we plan to watch Gnomeo and Juliet when Trin gets home in about a half an hour. That is about all I can do right now.

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