Monday, April 23, 2018

April pt. 1 2018 (PASSOVER)

So I'm just going to throw the pictures of Passover on here. It was so sad when Isaac got sick Friday the eve of our event. However life has a way of throwing curve balls so I decided to make the best of it. I was so grateful that Jeremy was able to watch him so I could still fulfill all of my responsibilities. I think the kids had the most fun playing musical chairs while we sang "go Down Moses". It was such a delight to join with friends again to celebrate Passover. To look across the room at the kids I grew up sitting with their significant others and children warmed my heart. There aren't many families that have such history and I love that we care about each other just as much today as we did when we were the age our children are now. This is why tradition is such a beautiful thing. It is so unifying to steep yourself in remembrances that are joyful and life affirming. Life is rarely perfect. I missed that my brother also was under the weather and unable to make it. Still I felt overall that we were very blessed and I'm so thankful to the Tyler's for continuing their family traditions and allowing us to be part of it this year. While I didn't get pictures of everybody - Happy Passover 2018 
 Blake's burning bush plate lol
Isaac got second place for his "plague of flies" plate 

 Matsah cake my moms favorite
 action shot!

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