Thursday, December 14, 2017

November 2017

I don't understand why these pictures didn't load in proper order but I will not moving them around because it's a pain in the butt. So I lied in October and the belt tests were in Nov so the pictures and vids are here. Everything traditional happened in Nov except that Daniel my sister's husband couldn't make it because of a new job. It was a great weekend! I honestly don't even really remember the rest of November. It was a lot of tutor prep, therapy, worship, etc. I did send an awesome gift to my sister in law for her 40th so that was fun. Had a few nice get togethers with friends. Jeremy's sister had a beautiful wedding in early November. We headed up early since it was in Everett and went to the FUNKO store that was there. The kids had a great time shopping and enjoying the harry potter/star wars/ disney themes. That's really about it. I'm brain-dead on anything else. 
Sorry it's a little picture overload. I usually do Molbaks on it's own but again, separating out the pictures. . . .

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