Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Small Joys

Yesterday afternoon was a brief reprieve from the parenting drama the past few weeks have been. Blake and I played soccer in the backyard and then got out the new bubble wands I had gotten earlier at the store. I grabbed my phone because Blake kept trying to catch the bubbles and when he did he looked like a wizard using some magical force to control them. Trinity came out and wanted some pictures of her as well. There are some VERY fun ones with her as well, including the one as you see where if her arm were only a little father over you would think she had conjured up Isaac into one of her bubbles! Also highly entertaining was James who goes NUTS for bubbles. So much so that I had to put him inside so he wouldn't overdo it. 

I think this one is so funny. Double bubble trouble.

Also the day before I had walked into the room to find all three kids at the whiteboard coloring and laughing hysterically at their drawings. I had a total mom-crush moment. If someone would have seen me right then they would have laughed at the sappy expression on my face. I realized that time will never change the pleasure a mother gets in seeing her children enjoy each others' company. I just KNOW my mom has the same expression when my siblings and I get together and are dorking out about something. So many families never experience that peaceful dynamic and it just makes me so very thankful.

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