Sunday, June 1, 2014

Isaac Update

Our little man has been officially diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. He is at a level four out of ten with ten being the most affected and zero a non-autistic child. We will be continuing his one on one speech therapy, adding in some ABA, and enrolling him in the IEP preschool at SES (where Trin and Blake go) that will begin in September. It's four half-days a week. This is all a lot to take in for a mother who didn't send her two olders to school until Kindergarten. I feel pretty good about it though. We are taking some steps to get some help lined up through programs such as FEAT. They should be able to walk us through insurance issues and what therapists to work with. Isaac is a super smart little guy but we really need to get his speech/language up to speed. For the elementary years we are looking at possible frustrations with school as far as learning style (he is very gross motor-oriented/ hands on while school can be very "sit and listen") and continued support of social/behavioral patterns (eye-contact, etc). I am used to his "normal" so it can be frustrating to be told again of his delays, I'd rather opt for the term "late-bloomer". That being said, I know Autism isn't something to ignore and through the help he receives at an early age our goal is for the least amount of frustration through his teenage years and into adulthood. I am praising God that it is not at all a debilitating level and that he is a very affectionate and empathetic child. And so we begin.


Liz said...

Praying for you, my sister!! Our great God has a magnificent plan for Isaac's life and a new one for yours now, too! Keep me updated through the hard days and I will pray!

lenorediviney said...

thank you Liz!