Wednesday, January 29, 2014

For the Boys

Last post I shared about my goal of being thankful for all things Trinity. This post I am goal-setting for the boys.
BLAKE: Blake is six and a half. His biggest problems are over-reacting and whining. How do I teach him to respect me without threats, etc.? Guilt trips and straight up anger do not seem to touch this one. (not that those are great parenting options but lets be real) You punish him and he will "punish" you with more of the same behavior he got in trouble for. He rarely accepts discipline. This one frankly "hurts my feelings" regularly. Gosh that sounds immature. A son knows how to get away with things. I think that my goal for Blake this year will be HONOR. Honoring others above himself. Taking himself out of the center of the universe. Difficult for a six year old? of course! Achievable? I'd  like to find out. It seems to me that a deeper understanding and appreciation of honoring others before ourselves would halt the two biggest problems listed above. I hope to come up with actual activities and discussions to help him realize what a big world it is and how far a little care and respect can take him. Expand his little mind beyond his moment by moment mentality because children are capable of thinking and feeling so deeply. Most importantly we will be learning how Jesus is the key to being able to let go of our desires and to treat others like Jesus showed us to. Some of the results I hope to see in in this year of training about honor will be:
Accepting Discipline
Taking a Moment to Choose Humility
No Excuses or Fibs
Less Contrary Talk

ISAAC: Here's the thing. Isaac is two. My goals for him at this point are the normal toddler goals. Get him talking more, potty trained, and moved into a big boy bed. These things alone are plainly good enough for the entire year! I will say I am so pleased that he has wonderful lessons to introduce him to his family's faith through church and community bible study. I want to mindfully incorporate song time with Isaac to reinforce those principles.

These are the goals for the boys this year.

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