Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Summer Wrap-Up

Here is a little wrap up of the summer as we head into fall. Even as I am sad to say goodbye to the TERRIFIC weather we had this summer, I am excited for crisp fall days and the beauty of the fall colors. We hit the ski lake for Great Grandma's birthday and also had one more fabulous week at my mom (we got to see all the great-grandmas this year) and dad's checking up on him post-surgery. It is AMAZING to declare my Dad cancer free. We have now navigated the first few weeks of school which have had some challenges for sure, but I bought two yummy fall candles so it's nothing a little aromatherapy (can you say "Sweater Weather"?-nummy) and a lot of prayer can't handle. Thankful for the past season and the one we are entering now.
this almost never happens anymore
 chalk on the sidewalk is one of our favorites
 dirt, dirt, dirt, happy, happy, happy
 Isaac got lucky at the arcade. . .lol
 first day of school
 a change of season stormy sunset
 happy as a clam
 he threw rocks into the water for two hours.
we went to Cabella's. Cool fish wall but Isaac wasn't happy with anything that afternoon.
 I attended my friend Shalini's recital. She has a lovely voice. Her daughter Mira is Isaac's age.
Trinity has asked me for three years to do a lemonade stand
she was just a little thrilled. It was nice to make her happy.

1 comment:

Natalie Minnich said...

I am trying to figure out what my google account is. Hoping this will jog my memory