Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How do we teach the babies Wisdom?

This question was posed by my friend Rose on her blog about their life preparing for ministry in Spain and their adorable June-bug (like Isaac) Susannah. It got me thinking. Earlier in the day I had copied down two Proverbs I want the children to memorize. Wisdom was a big part of the parenting book I just finished (mentioned in the previous post). Most of you have heard the Proverb that says "The fear of the Lord, is the beginning of Wisdom". For my older children this is an easier concept to teach them. God is so big and mighty, and His works (creation) that we see all around us amaze their little eyes all the time. They know they can't make that. Also, we talk about forgiveness and grace. They get mad at each other, they even get physical, then they get sad. They have hurt each other and need to forgive one another. It's a gut reaction that they have a hard time controlling. God doesn't work that way though, there is no "backlash" for sin. There are consequences but not in the parent losing his temper sort of way that we earthly parents sometimes exemplify. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not die, but live eternally". This act of sacrifice also impresses them, Trinity especially understands that "Nothing can separate us from God's love." Romans 8:39. So the correlation between fearing the Lord and respect (not primal fear) is more easily made. In the Proverbs, the Word of the Lord is over and over brought up as vital to having "wisdom". Reading it, repeating it, learning it by heart, appreciating it, all leads to worshipping the Holy One, the only One worthy of adoration and "fear".
     After thinking about this long and hard last night *that's my disclaimer, this is not going to be a perfect answer to my friend's question nor even to some a good one but it's the answer I came to* I have decided that saturating my littlest in the Word of God is the best way to begin to teach him wisdom.So, little Isaac at 15 mo. is too young for Awana, VeggieTales, (please I beg of you don't let such videos be your children's only exposure to the word of God, PLEASE get them involved in THE BIBLE itself!), and many of the other fun sources of scripture learning that are available to us in many areas. Also, He obviously (since I am at home) spends the most time with me which makes me #1 on the example providing list. I think that when Trinity reaches just a few years older one of the most difficult things for her will be peers challenging her on her belief that the Bible is the Word of God. This is not a world that makes it easy for you to express your faith. Especially when that faith is one way to God through Jesus Christ His son. Even in our own home we have different creation views. As part of the public school system she will be barraged with information that will conflict with what the scriptures say. All of this can and MUST be combated with an understanding of the Word. It must be on their minds and IN THEIR HEARTS to such a deep extent that if you cut them, they bleed Ephesians 5 "Forgive one another, just as in Christ God forgave you". If they struggle with jealousy they repeat to themselves Proverbs 23:17-18 "Don't envy sinners, but always continue to fear the Lord. You will be rewarded for this; your hope will not be disappointed."  If they are tempted to lie/save face/cave to peer pressure/get out of discipline their conscience screams Proverbs 23:15-16 "My Child, if your heart is wise, my own heart will Rejoice! Everything in me will celebrate when you speak what is right" This scripture stands for my heart or for God's own heart for my children in a crises of decision.
   This list could go on and on and obviously Isaac won't be memorizing bible verses yet. He only says "uh-oh". = ) but in our house the Word will be respected. It will be discussed. It will be memorized. It will be read to the children, they will read it themselves and they will be blessed by it. I will sing to Isaac Jesus Loves me. I will tell him Jesus loves him using scriptures. I will tell him God's promises to him using scriptures. I'm even going to try to learn a few to comfort him with when he is crying. I will sing them to him and speak them to him because it will teach him Who the Lord is and how to fear Him  and that is the best way I can think of to teach my baby wisdom; uphold the Word! 

1 comment:

Rose said...

Amen! Amen and Amen!