Sunday, June 26, 2011

It seems like only Yesterday. . .

Of course this could be the title to almost all my posts as it always seems the days just fly by. Yesterday my little man (the first edition) turned FOUR. Yes, FOUR. I can't believe it has gone so fast. He is definately a "kid" now and out of the toddler stage. His favorite things right now? Wii., Pop Tarts, and he still loves to swing (though now he uses the big kid swing). He still throws amazing tantrums as well. He is my little handful but at the same time I think he is super smart and creative; just wants things his way. Our family wouldn't be the same without him and it's a daily challenge to parent the ragamuffin. He calls me to a higher standard of behavior and we've had some knock down - drag out disagreements (it turns out you can't call CPS to save you from your own child) but in the end I think we help each other to be the best version of ourselves that we can. I hope that makes sense to some of you out there. You get what I mean right fellow moms? Also, his dimples can still melt me out of the foulest of moods. hee hee. Here are some pics of the day. He went to Cars 2 with his daddy, then we had cupcakes and opened presents with Grandma Trudy, and capped off the day with Red Robin and Wii time.
 He just blew the candles out in one breath! Good job buddy!

 first taste of frosting. . .
still reserving judgement. . .
mmmmmm Good.

 slip-n-slide, thanks Grandma Trudy there goes my lawn!
 gummi worms a grandma trudy staple. . .
 he actually really enjoyed all of his cards. =)
thank you also Mom, He loved the hawaiin shorts especially and in advance to aunt natalie who sent his card but we haven't received yet, and to Amie and Abby who got him an awesome velcro catch set. Blake had an awesome birthday thanks to all of your kindness and love (okay, presents. . .) mwahahahaa


Natalie Minnich said...

Its all about the PRESENTS!!!!!! oh and maybe the FROSTING!!!!! The cupcakes rocked!!! Sure beats putting all that effort into homemade ones!

lenorediviney said...

yes, for this year they did the trick!