Monday, May 27, 2013

We all have those little ticks.

Last night Jeremy and I finally sat down and watched last years mega hit, Silver Linings Playbook. The main character suffers from bi-polar depression and the father (though not diagnosed) obviously has some OCD tendencies. As we watched it Jeremy mentioned yet again that he thought he was a little obsessive compulsive. Jeremy has long claimed this while citing such events as having to knock a certain way or repeat some mannerism before continuing on his way. I have never seen him do those things or need to have things in a certain place or anything like that. The worst he does is constantly bounce. His knees, his hands on the steering wheel, he needs to be in motion at all times it seems like. If he is on the phone he paces. Oh, and he will get absolutely obsessed with a game or idea (EVE online, different investment schemes, etc.) and spend ALL his free time playing or planning until suddenly he is perfectly content to completely drop it. So, maybe a little ADD but any other claim seems greatly exaggerated. For which I am of course thankful as I can't imagine experiencing a mental illness and how challenging and debilitating it can be. This is not a new conversation for us as we have hashed out our little "pet peeves" behaviorally in our marriage before. I can't stand how loud he chews *as evidenced by an about meltdown I had when he was eating strawberries next to me the other night. about claws on a chalk-board* but I have to have the bed sheets all straight before I get in bed at night which he thinks is weird. He in turn thinks I'm pretty perfect. -seriously folks, you think I'm going to spill the beans on my shortcomings? He added as we dished our ice cream that "We probably all have our little ticks", I was like (as we headed to the couch) "Whatever! I don't have any issues. . .you can NOT sit next to me". . ..okay, maybe a few issues but if only you could hear him chew!

-okay I'll give you one, I get really all over the place when I host parties and end up flitting around like a brainless butterfly, well it appears that way but I am actually in complete control and rocking the hostess thing but it drives Jeremy CRAZY.

*bonus info? I have an irrational fear of biting on a sock. It literally makes me shiver to think about it.

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