Sunday, July 5, 2009

Blake's Birthday!!!

well my little man was officially two on the 25th of June! we had a very low-key day with a visit from grandma trudy in the afternoon and the nee-nee and granda appearing on our doorstep in the evening! woohoo. we had a leisurely dinner followed by present opening and two candles in a giant brownie. Blake seemed to have a really fun birthday, he picked out puppy plates (that looked like mick) and spongebob squarepants party hats/napkins. we got him a giant singing balloon that he promptly popped. So for two what can I say? He is a good boy. He has started throwing fits at nap time so I fear he will want to quit them young like his sister but I am hoping to still avoid that. He shows no interest in potty training besides bugging his sister when she is trying to use the restroom. He says "no" all the time but generally still does what you say. He is still a favorite in the church nursery and everyone who watches him say what a delight he is. I say "you should spend a few hours with them at home". sheesh. His favorite things are trains/cars and he looks most adorable when he shoves his hands in his pockets. He still has lady-killer dimnples and he is terrible at colors. He knows them he just won't say them right. His favorite I think are orange and pink, that is usually what he responds when you ask him what color. he loves stomping around in light up shoes and runs better in his sister's dress up heels than she does. He loves going to the park and kicking the soccer ball around. He also loves marine life. we just got a season pass to the seattle aquarium becuase the kids have such a great time! okay so I will put some of those pics up in a different post but here are the birthday ones. Love you blakey boy!!

1 comment:

Linda Miller said...

Lenore, I ran across your blog. What a great job! Would love to send you a yearly calendar....drop me a line via email.