Friday, May 23, 2008


well I have a mentor now. Evergreen Christian Fellowship (the church we currently attend) has kicked off a program and I am participating. It was difficult to make the decision as it means commitment of time and energy but I can tell you after meeting my mentor that I am truly excited about the oppurtunity. her name is Stephanie, she's about my mom's age and has one son who is about my age and he and his wife are expecting a baby in June. She and her husband have come through rough times okay and that is very exciting to see proof that people can stay commited and the Lord does answer prayers for marriage. She grew up in a christian home like me and also like me, seeks to expand her prayer life and knowledge of the Word. We are going to read the power of a praying wife together. It will be so wonderful to have someone who will really KNOW me that I can go to about issues that isn't my husband (or if it's about him, lol) my mother and sister becuase we all know that isn't cool. Our goal is to work on our prayer lives and lift each other up in the Lord. Our relationship is going to purposeful toward these goals and I can't wait to get to know her better. Oh, and this is not so much part of our purpose but she did promise to take me shoe shopping at some point! woohoo! Mayhaps I will take a picture of us at some point and add it. Oh and last but not least she is in choir with me so we see each other once a week anyway.

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