Monday, May 16, 2011


well we did it! I won't say this isn't the craziest way to end a pregnancy but being as it's the third time I've moved while pregnant I guess it's par for the course for me. Someone actually told me the other day that if I told them I was moving they would know I was pregnant again. ha! probably about right. I gotta say I am already loving the new house even though it is a disaster. There are many things to be decided, sorted, and put away. Problems I haven't had to deal with in previous houses (note the sarcasm) like a closet that can actually fit toys/dressers, (do I put them where they can play with them? do I leave everything out in the room like I am used to?) are giving me fresh options but adding to my "what to do" confusion. Even though I feel pretty good physically I find my brain just sort of turns of about 9:00 p.m. lol. Hence the terrible sentence a moment ago that you probably had to read three times to make sense of. I have begun weekly apt. for baby boy and now must drive trin to school from new location which means we all have to be up just a little bit earlier. So far so good and I am thankful. thankful. thankful. Here is a picture of a rainbow we had from a sunbreak on our first full day in the house. It reminds me of how blessed my life has been and continues to be. God is so faithful to me. Whatever comes next (painting) and after that (bringing home baby, death of all schedules, post partum blues, whatever) I know I can handle it one day at a time. . . and it's going to be fabulous.

1 comment:

Me said...

Congrats on the smooth move! Can't wait for the new little one to arrive!