Friday, July 5, 2013

the 4rth of July!

or as Blake kept saying during the fireworks, Happy 4rth of the July.
The kids had a great time firing small stuff at our home and then watching the Carnation fireworks display later on. They ALL stayed awake until we got home about 10:45. Isaac wasn't scared and clapped when everyone else did but other than that was pretty chill. The kids kept a running commentary. A nice relaxing day with my family. BTW family photos did not work out. sigh.

 isaac look at the camera
 isaac sit still, trinity get your hair out of your face
 blakey can you just try to sit him up?
 oh whatever. I give up.
 the two older cooperate
 starbucks makes everything better
 my sunflowers
 we like the smoke bombs best

at the Carnation fireworks
I warned him silly faces would be posted

kindle bug
matching head tilt. but of course!
cheese! pretty good for a selfie with a two year old
we did some sparklers after we got back
wow, he looks a little scary here

you can't' hear them as well as I hoped but they talked almost the entire time and blake kept throwing his arms out and waving them in a circle as if the fireworks were bursting on command

1 comment:

Diana O- said...

Great photos! Love the one of you and Issac :)