Sunday, April 10, 2011

6 weeks till he arrives. . .

That's right. There he is!!! I was not planning on having another ultrasound beyond the regular 20 wk. but when I went to visit my mom over trinity's spring break I made a new friend who happens to run an ultrasound machine for Holy Family hospital in Spokane and. . . . . .she gave me another peek at little man! What a blessing! My due date was confirmed again, amniotic fluid level was great, and he's just perfect. Having an ultrasound this far along really makes me want to get my hands on him; I mean, he looks ready to go to me! don't you just love how he is sucking his little fingers??? He looks so much like trinity and Blake that I think the coloring will be the main surprise. Blond or brown hair? Blue or brown eyes? his face looks just like theirs so no worries about a strong family resemblance. . .mom was very excited to get her own look since she was not here for the 20 wk.

. . .and that wasn't the only surprise. My darling sister and mother worked hard planning a baby shower for me! I had no idea my poor mother that I dragged around Spokane all day would have to come home, get rid of me at my brothers, and set up an entire party by 6:30. She and Natalie had the house so cute and of course they had cupcakes with my favorite rainbow chip frosting. It was great to get an evening with friends that I haven't seen in a while. What a blessing to have such support that has carried through my childhood straight into my own foray into mothering. Who would have thought that the same people would still be so vital in my life? it really is something special. Thank you to everyone who made it and to those who couldn't but were there in spirit. I WILL try to get cards out soon. =) now for some pics of the baby booty. . . I mean the stuff I got, not the baby's bottom. lol!

 all the new clothes and blankies washed and waiting!
 most awesome blankie by nee nee #1
most awesome blankie by nee nee #2

so the end result was a truly fabulous week at my parents with God's gracious hand very evident in my life. In fact, I even got to sneak my friend a bunny! she has been wanting one for over a year and I was sure someone from "the country" would have some babies this time of year. I was right! All we had to do was break her husband down (which wasn't that hard really). He however, wanted me to make her think he said no. Well that was easy because mostly he had. mwahahahahah, I love getting my way. I am taking it over to her in just a few minutes and it's a SURPRISE! I can't wait to see her face.

1 comment:

Me said...

AWW! You're so close and I can't wait! How wonderful that you got a baby shower for number three. And I want a bunny, but my husband really did say no...