Saturday, May 22, 2010

You ever notice

Did you ever notice that it doesn't matter how unique you think your situation is there is someone else going through it?
Just a thought. On another topic I have been struggling with my songwriting. I seem to be full of incomplete thoughts. Half a verse here, a chorus there, but no cohesiveness in my process. I think I need to simplify. I keep hearing things with a full band in my head but of course I don't play anything but the piano. I could really use at least a guitar person to really help me get different strums/rythms in my head. I don't think beautiful is the way I write my music. It is generally loud. Like me.


Anonymous said...

This is very true, and it can feel so good to know that you aren't the only one!

As far as your writing is concerned, I've always written that way! Just be sure to jot down those bits and pieces - sooner or later you'll find the song they belong to, though they may not all belong to the same one.

And three cheers for loud!

Daniel and Natalie said...

What? I'm sorry I cant hear you over the songs in my head! Hehh ehehe hehe